Are you having any issues?
Most Grid it issues are common and easy to fix. Here are some solutions that could work.
After purchasing your the extension via Fastspring, you should receive an email with all the fulfilment details such as license key and download link. You will also see these details on the same webpage you clicked 'checkout'. If you are having issues downloading your purchase, please contact us via the Support Form.
A blank interface after installation maybe a result of your Windows setting. Try the alternative download method. For example, if you have already installed Windows Installer (Exe) please try Windows Manual Installation (Zip folder).
For more support on installation, please check out our 'How to download' article.
This error indicates you have already used your license key. You may need to deactivate the license key on your current system. You can easily do this by selecting the Menu button in your extension.
For further instructions, please check out our article, 'How to use the extension on another system'.
This issue can mainly happen on Windows for manual installation. Please double click the 'com.gridit' folder, and make sure there is not a duplicate 'com.gridit' folder inside.
If you have done so, and still not able to locate the extension, please reach out to us via the Support Form
If your seeing the message during checkout: "We regret that your order could not be accepted. We value your business..." this means your checkout was blocked for automatic risk analysis from FastSprings system.
Please reach out to FastSprings here to 'whitelist' your email address.
You can also reattempt the transaction within a few days.
If you subscribed via FastSpring and didn't receive a license key, it's likely that you had entered your email address incorrectly during checkout. Please contact us via the Support Form, and include all relevant details along with the date of purchase.
You can simply cancel your subscription by logging into your account here.
If the email address your entering is not working, it is likely you had signed up with a different email address. Please try other possible emails you may have used.
If the problem continues, this could be due to entering your email address incorrectly at check out.
Please contact us via the Support Form, and include all relevant details along with the date of purchase.
Still can't find the solution?
Before reaching out, please view all above sections, which also include how to cancel your subscription.
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